
Accounting and tax compliance services

The laws regulating Russian bookkeeping and tax accounting change quite rapidly and often one has to turn to an expert in order to find on time an appropriate solution to vital issues.

Our consultants with many years of unique experience are always ready to support a client in the “hot-line” mode and swiftly help avoid possible mistakes.    

Those customers who signed up for the auditing services get hotline support free-of-charge.

Accounting and tax consulting services can be rendered either on a permanent (subscription) basis or one-time-only (as needed).

Full-scale financial audit (assessment of the financial condition)

Whenever a business is acquired or sold and also whenever a merger deal takes place a Due Diligence procedure is required involving full-scale legal and financial audit processes.

The purpose of the Due Diligence process is to examine assets and liabilities managed by a given legal entity to reveal possible risks of the investment.

During the integrated assessment we use methods based on industries’ best practices.

Besides the executive summary following the results of an audit we make recommendations on how to minimize the derived risks.